
Fame | Shelly Chartier net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Shelly Chartier? When is Shelly Chartier's birthday? Where is Shelly Chartier born? Where did Shelly Chartier grow up from? What's Shelly Chartier's age?

Shelly Chartier Born: 1984 (age 39years), Easterville

How about Shelly Chartier's known_for?

Shelly Chartier Known_for: Misleading NBA player Chris Andersen to initiate a relationship with a minor

What happened to Shelly Chartier?

Nev and Max embark on the biggest case of their lives as they track down the infamous, Shelly Chartier, to uncover new truths as they investigate the celebrity catfishing of Paris Roxanne and NBA star, Chris "Birdman\u201d Andersen.

What NBA player got catfished?

Nev and Max embark on the biggest case of their lives as they track down the infamous, Shelly Chartier, to uncover new truths as they investigate the celebrity catfishing of Paris Roxanne and NBA star, Chris "Birdman\u201d Andersen.

What episode of catfish was Birdman on?

Nev and Max embark on the biggest case of their lives as they track down the infamous, Shelly Chartier, to uncover new truths as they investigate the celebrity catfishing of Paris Roxanne and NBA star, Chris "Birdman\u201d Andersen.


Noelle Montes

Update: 2024-07-31