
Libra Enemies: Know Who Your Friends and Enemies are

Life can either be bitter or wonderful. It is in your hands whether you want to have a good time or simply sulk about everything. Even the choice of friends is in your hands. Are you aware that you can choose your friends based on astrological signs? The compatibility chart does not lie. 

Now, let’s say you are a Libra. 

Libra is an air sign, so the individuals are quite sociable. They are ruled by a loving planet called Venus. The friends a Libra makes are super special and they will be adored for life. 

When you are friends with a Libra, you are also inviting fun, beauty, happiness, and kindness. Once someone gives constructive advice to a Libra, they listen and do not try to act mighty. 

If you are a Libra, you must be wondering who they are compatible with and who they are enemies with.

Now, let’s take a look at Libra’s friends and enemies. 

Best Friend Match for a Libra Individual 

Libra is a lovable person, so they get along with most people. Let’s take a look at the Libra best friend match. 

  • Aries 
  • Although Aries and Libra are opposites, there is a sense of calm in the relationship. The credit goes to Libra because they have composure and calmness in their nature. Libra individuals will have a good relationship with Aries and the friendship will last long. Libra appreciates the energy, positivity, and self-assurance of the Aries friends. Aries is also able to shift gears at the last moment, so Libra will appreciate this attitude. 

  • Gemini 
  • A Gemini would be good for Libra because they are born mates. These two will spend a lot of time with each other. They both share a good laugh and lots of trips are on the cards. However, those trip plans might get cancelled at times. They will keep discussing the plan but need to do something to keep the plan on. 

  • Leo
  • Libra and Leo are fireworks together. The friendship will be fabulous simply because both individuals love living life. Both the pals won’t be wasting time on festivals – plans will be spontaneous. There is a possibility that both people will bring out the best in each other. Both are also into spending a lot of time together and watching movies. 

  • Libra 
  • Libra with Libra is a good match because both individuals will be similar. Both are witty, charming, and intelligent. Libra also appreciates beauty and style, so both will get along pretty well. Perhaps they can go out shopping and also indulge in fashion policing. Go for concerts together or simply head to watch graceful sports. 

  • Sagittarius 
  • Sagittarius is full of life. They like to go on adventures which a Libra might appreciate. Both of you will go on adventures together and the bawdy jokes will keep you entertained too. There is fun, laughter, and joy in this union. 

    Unravelling Libra Enemies 

    Libra will have enemies in their lifetime. Although enmity is unpleasant and avoidable, there are certain zodiac signs that don’t get along with Libra. 

    Let’s reveal the Libra Enemies right here. 

  • Cancer 
  • Cancerians are too emotional. They have mood swings and Libra cannot make sense of it. Libra tries to look for reasons or logic for a Cancerian’s mood changes. Both are quite different from each other and personality is certainly odd for a Libra. 

  • Capricorn 
  • Capricorns are good-natured people but can get silent at times. There are times when they get pessimistic which bothers Libra. A Libra won’t be able to keep up with the plans of a Capricorn – there is too much indecisiveness.

    Concluding Thoughts 

    Now that you are aware of Libra’s friends and enemies, it will be easy to move forward and make friends and beware of certain people. 

    Don’t hate anyone just because their zodiac sign falls under the enemy list. You should learn to be cordial with all. 

    Hatred is a strong word. You might end up making strong relationships with anyone if you are willing to adjust and move forward. Nonetheless, keep everyone’s personality trait in your mind.


    Trudie Dory

    Update: 2024-07-15